Adsense: The 5-Step Plan to Success(Step 2.1) by Online Internet Business
Step 2 - Ad Placement
“Location, location, location.” It is true in real estate and true in advertising, including web advertising. Since the “location” of the user is your site already, the “location” of the ad in this context means on which pages, where on the pages, and so on. As noted, the less an ad looks like an ad, the more effective it is likely to be.
If your webpage is cluttered and you can’t dispense with any content, you may want to break it down further into sections or more pages to provide easier reading. This also gives you the potential benefit of placing additional ads.
Where should you put the ads? The chances of your ad getting noticed by the visitors to your site increases greatly if you place ads as close to the top of your webpage as possible.
If you choose to place so-called ‘skyscraper’ ads – in magazines these would be called columns – on the sidebars of your webpage, it would be wise to place them on the right side of your principal content areas. The reason for this is the visitor to your page (in most languages) will read from left to right, he or she will chance upon the ad ultimately, if not consciously then at least out of habit. Their eyes will go there. From the left, they can visually “skip” the ad when they start reading next to it.
More info go to GoogleAdsense support.
To end this post I will share some tips with you.
Look at the add on the picture below.
How to make an add align like the picture above?
I will share this code that can create left-aligned or right-aligned table using adsense add.
Left-aligned table with Adsense:
(table border="0" align="left")(tr)(td)*
Goole adsense code goes here
Right-aligned table with Adsense:
(table border="0" align="right")(tr)(td)*
Google adsense code goes here
*Note: Remember to replace ' ( ' symbol to ' < ' symbol
and to replace ' ) ' symbol to ' > ' .
There you go.Hope it will help you success in adsense business.
Good Luck!
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Wow.. you posting a lot of Adsense knowledge. But now i'm buzy, will return visit you again. Great man.
Movie and Life
Hey Thanks for all those tips... tey seem useful, although I dont like Adsense at all... I dont think it really works... But the marketing strategies to place your ad are great, I will certainly use them to place some other stuff LOL
Thanks for sharing
Your welcome!
Claudio, you can always use bidvertiser and regardless of either one PPC, you have to blend the ads to the color of your layout.
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